Women and the Recited Qur'an: Scriptural Recitation and Lecture
The Department of Jewish, Islamic, and Middle East Studies is delighted to host Ms Madinah Javed, an internationally known qari'ah (reciter) of the Qur'an on Wednesday March 23 at 4pm. Ms Javed will be giving a recital and lecture, entitled "Women and the Recited Qur'an." While there is an excellent body of Islamic scholarship that engages women's interpretations of the Qur'an as a text, to date less attention has been paid to the rich public soundscape of women's recitation, and questions of Qur'anic orality and aurality.
We hope you are able to join us.

Madinah Javed is a Scottish trainee lawyer and women’s rights campaigner living in Chicago, IL. She was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland and is third-generation Scottish. Madinah is well known internationally as a qari’ah (reciter) of the Qur’an. She is a regular commentator in the media on women’s rights globally. She has given Qur’an recitations all around the world including at the British Museum and at the Scottish Parliament as a way for more people to hear the female spiritual voice in Islam. Madinah launched the trailblazing #FemaleReciterscampaign in 2017 to raise awareness of the rich public soundscape where women recite the divine text of the Qur’an. Madinah graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2019 with a Diploma in Legal Practice.
She also holds an LLB in Scots Law and looks forward to commencing her legal traineeship with the Scottish Government in September 2022. She is actively involved in the Andalus Community Hub and Beacon Institute in Glasgow.
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