2014 Grant-Writing Information Session & Workshop

1) Informational session

Friday, September 5, 9 am - 12 pm

Presentation — Proposal Writing, From a Reviewer’s Perspective

Jean Allman (Center for the Humanities, History)


Panel — How I Got Here: Recent Grant/Fellowship Awardees

Billy Acree (Romance Languages & Literatures), Peter Kastor (History, American Culture Studies), Nancy Reynolds (History; Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Jewish, Islamic, and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures)

lunch provided


2) Proposal workshop

Friday, September 5, 1-3 pm (part 1)


Friday, September 12, 10 am - 12 pm (part 2) 

Small-group workshopping of proposals to be submitted this fall. Led by a senior faculty member, participants will give a critical reading of one another's proposals and offer observations at the first meeting. At the second meeting, participants will share their revised proposals. Proposals to be workshopped are due to the humanities center Friday, August 29. We'll forward them to each group's participants.

Facilitators: Jean Allman (Center for the Humanities; History) and Rebecca Copeland (East Asian Languages & Cultures)

light refreshments provided


For all meetings, please gather in the Danforth University Center, room 239.

If you have signed up for the workshop, please send your proposal to the humanities center (humapp@artsci.wustl.edu ) by the end of the day on Fri., Aug. 29. Then, we'll divide them into small groups and circulate in advance of our first workshop next Friday.