Internal Funding

Washington University provides significant internal funding to support and encourage research and scholarship at the university. These programs are intended to enhance the ability of WashU faculty and students to compete for external funding for their research or creative work. A variety of internally funded opportunities are offered through the Center for the Humanities. Click on the Categories menu below to sort by eligibility (tenure-track faculty, postdoc, graduate student, undergraduate student) and/or deadline (spring or fall).

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Tyson Environmental Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Banned Books Undergraduate Research Fellowship

RDE Mini Grants

Divided City Graduate Summer Research Fellowship

RDE Cluster Grants

Small Grants for Publication

Humanities Symposium Grant

NEH Summer Stipend Internal Competition

Merle Kling Undergraduate Honors Fellowships

Collaborative Research Seed Grants

Faculty Fellowship Program

Faculty Seminar Grants

Graduate Student Fellowships

Reading and Writing Group Grants

Roland Grimm Travel Award

Summer Faculty Research Grants

Summer Research Seed Grants

Weiner Humanities Research Grant