2017 Grant-Writing Workshop & Information Session

Registration is now open for the Fall 2017 Grant-Proposal Workshop & Information Session. Please follow this link to RSVP to attend the information session or workshop. If you plan to participate in the workshop, send your drafted proposal to cenhumapp@wustl.edu by Friday, September 1.
1) Informational session  - DUC 234
Friday, September 8 , 9:30 am – 12 pm - lunch provided
Presentation — Proposal Writing, From a Reviewer’s Perspective

Jean Allman (Center for the Humanities, History)
Panel — Recent Grant/Fellowship Awardees

Abram Van Engen (English), Denise Gill (Music), Billy Acree (RLL)
2) Proposal workshop – DUC 234
Small-group workshopping of proposals to be submitted this fall or spring. Led by a senior faculty member, participants will give a critical reading of one another’s proposals and offer observations at the first meeting. At the second meeting, participants will share their revised proposals.
Part 1 - Friday, September 8, 1-3 pm – light refreshments provided
Part 2 - Friday, September 15, 10 am – 12 pm – location(s) will be announced during the workshop September 8 

Facilitators:  Jean Allman (Center for the Humanities, History), Ignacio Infante (Comp Lit), Peter Kastor (History), Billy Acree (RLL)
Proposals to be workshopped are due to the humanities center Friday, September 1 by 12 pm. Email the proposal to cenhumapp@wustl.edu.