Application requirements: Submit your application as a single pdf to: using the following naming convention for your application PDF: Last Name First Initial CRSG
Applications must include:
1. Completed CRSG Application (see link below), which includes the following pages:
o Project Coordinator Application Cover Sheet
o Collaborator(s) Application Cover Sheet (one for each collaborator)
o Budget Sheet: The budget may include the following:
- Funding to support graduate assistants
- Dissemination at conferences, including collaborative, co-authored publications that are more than the sum of individual publications by the project members
- Summer stipends that continue research activities (considered taxable income)
- Travel
- Research materials
2. External Funding Sheet
3. Short CV for the Project Coordinator and each Collaborator (no more than 2 pages each)
4. Narrative: No more than three single-spaced pages using a font size no smaller than 11 point.
o Within the narrative, applicants should provide an intellectual justification for their projects, conveying the ideas, objectives, methods and work plan. A simple need or intent is insufficient.
o The narrative should not assume specialized knowledge, should be free of technical terms and jargon, and should include the following sections:
- Research and contribution: Describe the intellectual significance of the proposed project. Provide an overview of the project and explain the basic ideas, problems or questions examined by the study. Explain how the project will complement, challenge or expand relevant studies in the field.
- Methods and work plan: Describe your method(s) and clarify the part or stage of the project that will be supported by the award(s). Provide a work plan, describing what you will accomplish during the award period. For a book project, explain how the final project will be organized.
- Final product and dissemination: Describe the intended audience and the intended results of the project. If relevant, explain how the results will be disseminated and why these means are appropriate to the subject matter and audience.
Application download: (link to application form)
Application requirements: Submit your application as a single pdf to: using the following naming convention for your application pdf: Last Name First Initial CRSG
Evaluation criteria: Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee convened by the Center for the Humanities.
Preference will be given to applicants who are submitting a collaborative grant application to one of the following funding opportunities:
In addition, proposals will be judged along the following three criteria:
- Intellectual significance of the project, including its ambition and scope, and its potential contribution to scholarship in the humanities.
- Degree to which the proposed collaboration represents innovative practice in the applicants’ disciplines and sub-fields.
- Potential for success, including the likelihood that the work proposed will be completed and lead to external funding or publication.
Grant administration: The CRSG is administered through the awardee’s home department.
- Funds will be made available in an appropriate account by January 1, 2025.
- Grantees are expected to adhere to the administrative and financial policies of the University and those specified in the Center for the Humanities’ “Guidelines for Center Grants.”
- All funds must be used within the grant period.
- Any remaining funds as of January 1, 2026, will revert back to the Center for the Humanities.
- A report of project accomplishments and a separate detailed report of expenditures is due no later than March 1, 2026.
- Publications resulting from CRSG activities must contain an acknowledgment of support by the Center for the Humanities and the following sentence: “Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Center for the Humanities.”