French Embassy recognizes French ConneXions cultural center

French Embassy recognizes French ConneXions cultural center

Celebrate our new center of excellence, French Connexions, for an evening reception on Oct. 7th

Representatives from the French Embassy in Washington D.C, Dr. Vincent Michelot (former director of Sciences-Po) and Dr. Nicolas Douay (cultural attaché) will officially recognize French ConneXions as part of Centres d'excellence network,  on October 7th from 5 pm-7 pm.  Welcome speech by Dean Hu (Arts and Sciences). Reception to follow at the Women's Building Formal Lounge on the outside lawn. 

In the afternoon, Vincent Michelot will be joining Lionel Cuillé's First-Year Seminar: Global Health in the Francophone World to discuss Covid and Health Policies in France,  and Nicolas Douay will be joining Steve Levillain’s French Cultural Expression Class to discuss banlieues. To read more about French ConneXions, check out the Record's story or visit via Facebook.

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