In the first years of the RDE initiative, individual faculty members applied for funding to create innovative courses or seek out new skills. With this next stage, the Cluster Grant approach asks faculty members to imagine how RDE funding could benefit a department or program as a whole. Please see Cluster Grants for funding opportunites.
The information below is included for archival purposes.
In order to encourage and support the kind of innovation necessary for Redefining Doctoral Education, we would like to encourage faculty in the humanities to undertake course work in other departments or schools or at other institutions, as relevant to new, innovative teaching strategies. Ideally these mini versions of the Mellon New Directions program will enhance collaborative teaching and research involving humanities scholars and their counterparts in other disciplines. Through a competitive process, a $15,000 award will be granted to faculty members who can demonstrate that their intended course work will help them train graduate students in areas and capacities beyond their traditional academic discipline, which will help students succeed both within and beyond the university. The selection committee will consist of a subcommittee of four from our Advisory Committee, as well as two experts from outside Washington University Arts & Sciences.
We held the first competition for these grants in fall 2018. Our goal is to offer a total of 16 Cross-Training Grants over the period of the RDE initiative. Faculty may reapply for a second grant if there is compelling reason to expand course work in a new field. How the grant funds will be expended depends on the course, its location, and when it is being offered. Some faculty might use their funds for tuition and to support time away from teaching (with their chair’s approval) in order to take a class during the standard teaching semester. Others might use their funds for summer salary and to support summer study at Washington University or elsewhere. (Depending on the level of the course offered, some options might be partially covered by the employee tuition benefit plan.) Because of the range of possible options under this initiative, all proposals will require a budget and approval of the faculty member’s chair.
Grants awarded
Past competitions