Scholarly Writing Retreat 2018
We hope that you will find the retreat stimulating and productive, and we encourage you all to come to the retreat with ambitious goals in mind.
We’ll meet that first day, May 22, in Umrath Lounge beginning at 9:00 am; after a quick introduction and an explanation of where participants can find work spaces, we’ll fan out and begin working independently.
Participants will bring their laptops and research materials to the Center for the Humanities and work intensively (but quietly!) on their individual projects in communal spaces, following a schedule of focused writing periods, lunch breaks (participants will bring their own lunch or eat at the DUC) and coffee breaks.
LOCATION: First meeting is in Umrath Lounge in Umrath Hall at 9:00
(The Center for the Humanities conference room in Umrath Hall, room 201, is home base for the retreat, but participants will spread out to a few rooms to work.)
DATES: Tuesday-Friday, May 22-25; Tuesday-Friday, May 29-June 1
(No meeting on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28. Participants are not required to attend the entire duration of the workshop.)
Daily Schedule
9:00 writing retreat opens for day
10:30 coffee break in kitchen or hallway of Center
12:30 lunch break
12:30 Optional brown bag lunch discussions about writing strategies in DUC 234
1st week Wed, May 23 and Fri, May 25
2nd week Tues, May 29 and Wed, May 30
3:15 coffee break in kitchen or hallway of Center
5:00 end writing for day
Please plan to attend happy hour on Thursday, May 24 at 4:00pm in the Center’s kitchen!
Our lunch options are a bit limited on campus during the period of our retreat, but parts of the DUC, Café Bergson, and Subway will be open during lunchtime. You’re also welcome to bring your lunch (the Center has a big fridge and a microwave) or go off-campus as well. The Center will provide coffee and snacks for the morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
Please don’t forget to bring to the retreat your laptop, power cord, and all the materials you’ll need while you write. To avoid the hassles of schlepping your materials back and forth, you are welcome to leave them locked in Umrath 201 at the end of each day. Also, the Center is generously allowing us to print drafts of our writing (within reason, of course) on their printer/copier; if you plan to do so, please bring a flash drive, which will allow you to print directly from the copier.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the retreat. If your schedule has changed and you find you cannot attend the retreat, please let us know as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you on May 22!