The spring 2025 RDE workshop for WashU graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences will focus on the public humanities. Through a series of workshops and sessions led by scholar practitioners and members of key foundations supporting humanities research and collaboration, students will gain exposure to public humanities methods and projects intended to inspire and ignite their own project designs. They will also learn the value and importance of research collaborations with communities and organizations outside of the university and discuss how — and why — to pursue meaningful collaborative projects as a part of doctoral training.
This workshop is designed for graduate students in the humanities at any level; we especially encourage those earlier in their training to attend. Since a key goal for the workshop is to train students how to articulate the value of humanities skills and research to those outside of higher education, “Where to Start?” is an essential resource for any humanities student planning to pursue projects or employment outside of higher education.
All members of the WashU community are invited to attend an opening roundtable featuring the workshop’s invited guests on Thursday, February 20 at 4 pm in McMillan Café. Faculty and staff supporting humanities PhD students are especially encouraged to attend.