Memory for the Future Showcase
Studiolab Open House - RSVPs appreciated

Join us for refreshments and a showcase of project work by students of the Memory for the Future Studiolab, a yearlong course that combines the study of interlinked histories and legacies of colonialism, slavery and genocide with collaborative development of reparative public humanities projects in St. Louis. The studiolab is led by Anika Walke (History), Geoff Ward (AFAS) and Santiago Rozo-Sanchez (RDE/M4F Postdoctoral Fellow).
The event will take place at the Lewis Collaborative at 725 Kingsland, steps north of the University City Public Library in the Delmar Loop. Parking is free at the north entrance of the building, and a shuttle is available for easy transport from the Mallinckrodt Bus Plaza on the main campus.
All are welcome!