Six new Graduate Student Fellows in the humanistic disciplines at Washington University will join the Center for the Humanities for a semester in residence during the 2023–24 academic year. Along with a $5,000 stipend, the competitively awarded Graduate Student Fellowships provide opportunity for grad fellows to workshop a portion of their dissertation with Faculty Fellows in residence, other WashU faculty and invited guests.
For more on their projects and past Graduate Student Fellows, follow this link.
Fall 2023
Ann Marie Jakubowski, Department of English
“Towards a Poetics of Conversion: Religion, Modernism, and Literary Form”
Salvador Lopez Rivera, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (French) and Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
“The France No One Cares About: Coming-of-Age Narratives of Post-Industrial France”
Xuela Zhang, Program in Comparative Literature (International Writers Track)
“Splitting the Atom of Language: The Question of Untranslatability and the Making of Anglophone Modernist Poetry”
Spring 2024
Heesoo Cho, Department of History
“The Making of the Mental and Material Map of the Pacific Ocean in Early America, 1740-1819”
Kaché Claytor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
“Mother Earth: Black Women and Environmental (In)Justice in the Pacific Coast of Colombia”
Yuan Kevin Gao, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
“Corporeal Technology: Hydraulic Engineering and the Political Aesthetic of Labor in China, 1952-1993”