The Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis has named its 2021-22 cohort of eight Faculty Fellows. Four of the cohort will be First Book Fellows, which provides extra workshopping time with external and internal readers to help prepare their books for submission to a publisher.

They are Tazeen Ali (John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics), Peter Kastor (History), Abram Van Engen (English), and Rhaisa Williams (Performing Arts) (fall 2021); and René Esparza (Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies), Paige McGinley (Performing Arts), Casey O’Callaghan (Philosophy), and Miguel Valerio (Romance Languages & Literatures) (spring 2022). Faculty fellows spend a semester in residence at the center, where they receive the workspace, resources and intellectual exchange needed to make great progress on their research projects and books in progress.
Follow this link to learn more about the fellows and their projects.