The Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis has named its 2023–24 cohort of Faculty Fellows. Six faculty members from the humanities and humanistic social sciences will join the center for a semester-long residential fellowship. Two of the cohort will be First Book Fellows, which provides extra workshopping time with external and internal readers to help prepare their books for submission to a publisher.

The members of the cohort are as follows:
Fall 2023
- Elizabeth Hunter (assistant professor, Performing Arts Department) — First Book Fellow
- Fannie Bialek (assistant professor, Danforth Center on Religion and Politics)
- Anca Parvulescu (Liselotte Dieckmann Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of English)
Spring 2024
- Karma Frierson (assistant professor, Department of African and African-American Studies) — First Book Fellow*
- Anya Plutynski (professor, Department of Philosophy)
- Lori Watt (associate professor, Department of History)
- Hayrettin Yücesoy (associate professor, Department of Jewish, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies)*
Faculty Fellows receive the workspace, resources and intellectual exchange needed to make great progress on their research projects and books in progress. Follow this link to learn more about past fellows and their projects.

* Update, 4/13/23: Congratulations to Karma Frierson, who was awarded an ACLS Fellowship for 2023–24. Hayrettin Yücesoy, associate professor in the Department of Jewish, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, will join the center as a Faculty Fellow during the spring 2024 semester.