Welcome to the blog for the Center for the Humanities' 2010 NEH Summer Institute, "The New Negro Renaissance in America, 1919-1941." Over the next three weeks, each of our thirty institute participants will be writing at least one entry offering their impression of a particular session, a particular assigned reading, or a particular approach to some aspect of the institute's theme. We are also encouraging participants to comment on each others' postings.
Our hope is that the blog will not only deepen the experience of the institute participants but will also become part of our "digital institute," including video footage and curriculum development projects, which will remain available on our website to teachers and members of the public who want to learn more about this formative period in American life.
If you are an institute participant and wish to submit an entry to this blog, please email it (preferably as a Word document) to cenhum@artsci.wustl.edu.